Where can I buy a deck?

Visit our Tokopedia page: tokopedia.com/tmyr

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we do but you would need to contact us via email at hello@tellmeyourreality.com for us to process your order.

Why the card game? Can’t I just ask my own questions?

We’ve found that framing these questions as a game makes it less intimidating and more accessible.

By having them already prepared in card form, it takes the pressure and judgement off finding the right words or the right time to ask, while creating a safe and open space for people to share their realities.

Who can I play with?

Anyone who is open to sharing their reality and listen to yours.

Is there a Bahasa Indonesia version?

We have both English & Bahasa decks available across a variety of topics. Currently we only have one in Bahasa (Walk Your Way Edition) but do shoot us a DM on Instagram to recommend our next Bahasa topic! We are constantly working on new versions behind the scenes and take market demand into consideration!

What’s your return policy?

Unless the item is damaged and a recording of the unpacking of damaged product is available, all sales are final and may not be returned, cancelled, or exchanged.

If the item is damaged, please DM us on Instagram @tellmeyourreality within five (5) days of order being received and provide your name, order number, description of the issue and attach the video and photograph of the damaged item received.

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Be the first to know when we launch a new deck, or follow us on instagram @tellmeyourreality